Secretary to Government - With reference to the instructions issued tot he Commissioner of bengres by this Government in the 27th July last to cursider how the services of Hingun Lall, who saved the lives of several of the Civil officers of the Jounpore District, Might best be acknowledged forwards for orders copy of a Letter from that officer on the subject with the Lieut. Governor opinion that a Jugheer of about the value of 12000 Rs. a year & hunted to his on life and be a more suitable reward than the grant of an allowance of 100 Rs a month with the honorary to title of Deputy Magistrate & Collector recommended by the Commilssioner should however the Government disapprove of the Lieut. Governor proposal that recommended by the Commissioner be accorded to Hingun Lall address that the Commissioner has been called upon to reort what reward he would propose for Rampurgas Sing whose good conduct has been alrady reorted to this government.

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Identifier PR_000001982033
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 2 Oct., No. 82 - 88
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