To Secretary - States that after orders had been drafted and approved, conveying the sanction of the Governor General in Council to the several proposals submitted in his letter No. 774 dated 24th June by the Lieut. Governor in the matter of the Ranee of Tirwas claims upon Government for money expended in preserving order, and also for general good service rendered during the disturbances, his letter No. 942 dated the 18th Instant was received - In this letter it is announced that 2 picers of Ordnance & other arms & a quantity of ammunition have been discovered in the Ranees Fort & intimates the Lieut. Governor opinion that by this desobedience of the positive orders of Government the Ranee has forficted all title to be rewarded for her loyal conduct during the rebellion, and that she should receive nothing more than compesnation for the expenses which she is said to have incurred states that the Governor General in Council concurs with the Lieut. Governor in considering that

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Identifier PR_000002007488
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 29 Jul., No. 8
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