To Secretary - With reference to the above states that the measures indicated in the first four paras of the Minute there with forwarded are within the competence of the Liuet Governer Martial Law having ceased as notified, it would not have been objected had it been proposed to carry into effect the Act at an earlier date sanctions the appointment for the Southal Districts of a Deputy Commissioner on Rs. 1200 a month & 4 uncovenanted Assistant Commissioner one on 600 Rs , one on 500 Rs. and two on 400 Rs. each per month as also of the employment of five Sub Assistant on different salaries - Approves of the employment of a Sub Assistant Surgeon at the Head Quarter of the Deputy Commissioner & of a Native Doctor at the Head Quarter of each Assistant Commissioner Will not intefere in the instructions which are to be given to the Deputy Commissioner approves of the plan laid down in the 11th and 5th following paras of the Lieut Governers Minute with respect however to the observations

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