To Secretary - In reply to his several letters dated 17,18,and 26th ultimo with enclosures accedes to the arrangements proposed in the Lieut Governers Minute for the protection of the districts disturbed by the Southals on the breaking up of the force under Major General Lloyds command with respect to the command of the troops to be retained on the confines of the Southal Country observes that it would naturally remain with hands of General Lloyd as being within the bounds of the Dinapore Division but it is desirable that the troops intended for this particular service should remain under the command of the officer who has so successfully directed them during the period of their harassing service now brought to a close. At the same time calls for the opinion of the Lieut Governer as to the consitutition of the 3rd regiments to be retained into a field force under the command of Brigadier Bird under General Lloyds orders to guard against a further outbreak.

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