Secretary - Reports receipt of information to the effect that a body of Southals various by stated at 2000 & 6000 men have assembled at a place Sugrampore in the District of Moughyr and that they have plundered several large towns and burnt an Indigo Factory belonging to Mr. Grant at Sugrampore. They have offered no personel violence to anyone but are set to have issued written notification that their only object is to make war against the Government they are believed to be fugitive from the recently disturbed Districts. The new disturbance has not spread among the resident Santhals of Mounghyr. Reports the steps already taken by the Local Authorities for the suppression of this disturbance and conveys the request of the Lieut Governer that the 50th and 56th regiment should be permitted to remain for the present at Brigadier Birds disposal immediate orders are necessary on this point as otherwise a part of the 50th regiment will return to Barrackpore by tomorrow mornings train and

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Identifier PR_000001959490
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