To Secretary to the Civil Service Annuity Fund - In reply Government does not think itself at libarty to adapt either of Mr Moods suggesting regarding the Commencement of Annuities without the prevcores sanction of the Court of Dircetors with referenec to the object of facititating the retirement of Individuals nccspting the onmuity during any part of the favorable season it does not judge it expcdient to concur in the proposition of the Accountant General For reasons stated is of opinion that the time of forfeiture may be left as it now stands in the 15 Articale To enable the Managers to tender the Annuity in sufficient time to those who may be entitled to recive it, suggest that the reguistition provided for by the 6 Artilcle be answered before the 31 December of each year Non aceeptance of Annuity to be considered a rurfual in Aimation of univillingness ot retire on the Annuity in the ensuing year Government will recommend to the Court of Dicetors that Individuals resiging the Serv

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