Copy of a Letter from the President and Council of Bombay, acknowledging receipt of certain papers and returning a bill of exchange for rupees 6,000 drawn by Ragonaut Dossintimating that they will immediately publish the forms of subscription and open their treasury for the receipt of mo ney pointing out an irrelevancy in the Board`s letters regarding the allotment of certain shares of subscription for that Presidency; requesting advice in connection with the realisation of a sum of money from the owner of the Free Mason for the short delivery of a cargo of rice; reporting the despatch of several ships to China; forwarding an account of the investment to be despatched to Europe; intimating that they will forward the army accounts and an account of supplies to the Indus on receipt of the same, and transmitting a packet from Mr. Sluysken, a Dutch Prisoner of War at Surat.

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