Draft of a letter to the President and Council of Fort St. George , relating to the payment of certain bills of Gopal Das, expressing dissatisfaction that their engagements with Capt. Jameson were not annulled consenting to permit the exportation of another cargo of grain in fulfilment of Capt. Jameson contract with them requesting them to close their future contracts for the supply of grain with certain reservations to settel terms with the owners of ships before transporting troops from their Presidency to grant bills to the owners or captains of those ships for the amount agreed commanding officer of His Majesty troops and to send a quantity of redwood to the board of Trade and intimating that the agent for supplied has been called upon to account for the short delivery of rum and for the bad quality of biscuit sent to Fort St. George.

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Identifier PR_000001772031
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O.C., 15 Jul., No.11.
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