Translation of a Letter from Nabab Mobareck-ul-Dowlah to the Court of Directors, requesting powers to appoint and dismiss his servants, the rights of riding in a nalki , of granting titles of nobility, and of keeping fighting elephants, asking that the Government and judicial administration of the City of Moorshedabad may be cested in him , that the question of the selection of the Resident at his Court may always be referred to him before final determination, that he may be vested with authority over all the dependants of the Nizamut, and particularly desiring that his stipend may be increased to the amount formerly allowed to his father and eldest brother.

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Source Organization NA
Identifier PR_000001764235
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. Mis. P. from C., 1785-1787., pages 40- 66.
Location NA
Part No. NA
File Size NA
Pages NA
Call Number NA
Publisher NA
Subject NA
Creator NA
Accession Number NA
Series NA
Year of Publication NA
Bundle Barcode NA
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File Barcode NA

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