Proceedings of the All India Khilafat Conference held at Karachi , and of the All india Congress Committee at Bombay . Prosecution under sections 120-B , 131 and 505 Indian Penal code, Messrs . Muhammad Ali Shaukat Ali , Dr. Kitchiew , Pir Ghulam Mujaddit , Maulvi Hassan Ahmad , Nesar Ahmad and a Hindu calling himself Shri Shankarachariya in connection with a Resolution passed at the All India Conference at Karachi declaring that it is unlawful for any Muslims to serve in the army or to help in recruitment therefore, also of the Ali Brother s under Sections 124 - A and 153 - B , Indian Penal Code Judgement of the sessions Judge, Karachi and of the Judicial Commissioneer , Sind , in the case. Reasons of arrest of Moti Lal Nehru , Desabandhu C. R. Dass , Lala Lajpat Rai and C. Rajagopalachariar .

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