South Central Railway: Md. Abdul Raqueeb, the clerk in the security department, has been granted leave. Accepted. It is noted that the purpose of Sub-Rule 1(b) of Rule 2237 (SR.233(1)-R.II) is that in cases where a Railway servant is declared by the medical authoritys report, if such leave is due, in super session of the instructions contained in Bds letter No. E(G)64LE2/33 dt. 14.1.65. If a railway employee is on leave on the day of the medical authoritys report, the six-month term should include the part of the leave that was granted to him beginning on that date, not the leave that he took advantage of before to that date. This six-month duration

Keywords K.N.Narayanaswami
Ministry/ Department/ Residency Ministry of Railway
Branch Establishment Gazetted
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Source Organization NA
Identifier PR_000007022718
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. E/G/66LE2-41/1-13
Location Repository-4
Part No. NA
File Size 14.2 MB
Pages 25
Collection Digitized Public Records
Ministry of Railway
Call Number NA
Publisher NA
Subject NA
Creator NA
Accession Number NA
Series NA
Year of Publication NA
Language English, Hindi
Bundle Barcode NA
Location Code NA
File Barcode NA

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