Eastern Railway: Creation/extension of gazetted posts in Kanchrapara Workshops for developing facilities and maintenance of Electrical Rolling Stock:- (1) Currency of the following posts extended for the period shown against eact:- Post-Status-Period, (a) Superintendent (Workshop)- I.A.- 1-4-67 to 31-3-71. (b) Dy. E.C.E. (Workcharged upto 30-6-67)- J.A.- 1-4-67 to 30-6-69 chargeable to revenue from 1-7-67. (c) Work Manager (Electrical) chargeable revenue from 1-7-67 and redesignated as Electrical Engineer (Planning and Development). He will look after the Planning and Development work of Mechanical wing also.- S.S.- 1-4-67 to 31-3-70. (d) A.E.E. (Training)- JS/CL.II- 28-3-67 to 31-3-68. Redesigned as AWM (Electrical) to work under WM (Elect-Loco) and also to supervise the work of Motor Rewinding Section. (2) It wal also decided that:- (a) the temporary S.S. post of M(Manufacture of Box Wagons) current upto 31-3-68 should be surrendered with immediate effect; (b) the existing post of WM (Loco) should be re designated as WM(Manufacture) the incumbent of which should also be responsible for wagon construction: (c) the post of AWM(Box Wagons) should be redesingated as WM(Manufacture) referred to in (b) above; (d) the post of D.E.E. (Electric Loco) should be placed under the WH (Manufacture) the incumbent of which should also be responsible for wagon construction: (c) the post of AWM (Box Wagons) should be placed under the WH(Manufacture) referred to in (b) above; (d) the post of D.E.E. (Electric Loco) should be redesignated as WH (Electric Loco) to be assisted by an AWM (Mechanical) to be transferred from under Works Manager (Loco) referred in item (b) above. (e) One temporary JS/CL-II post of Asstt. Works Manager/ Electrical (EHU) may be created in consultation with the F.A. and C.A.O. for a period of one year to work under the Dy. C.E.E. referred to in item (b) above. (f) Electrical Engineer (Planning And Development) referred to in item I (c) to be assistant by the A.E.E. and one A.M.E. to be found by readjustment. (g) The A.I.O. should also be responsible for the internal inspection on the Electrical side for which he will be assisted by Inspectors. From that side

Keywords Calcutta
Railway Board
Ministry/ Department/ Residency Ministry of Railway
Branch Establishment Gazetted Cadre
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Source Organization NA
Identifier PR_211200050476
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. E/GC/67/PO11-19/1-11
Location Repository-4
Part No. NA
File Size 83.5 MB
Pages 121
Collection Digitized Public Records
Ministry of Railway
Call Number NA
Publisher NA
Subject NA
Creator NA
Accession Number NA
Series NA
Year of Publication NA
Language English
Bundle Barcode NA
Location Code NA
File Barcode NA

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