From Secy- Fords. an English translation of a commn made to the local authr. by the Indian Bahadur Hidayat Ali of the 1st Bengal Police Batta relative to a report which has been issued in Sassarain that the Govt. intend taking the copper and brass utensiles of its subjects and giving them tin and China ones and lieu also that shah Kabeerooden Ahmed ----- to take English food prior to being invested with his ------- States that any further information on the subject which may be received will be brought to the notice of Govt. and adds that the Lt. Governor will not take any public notice of such reasons and will be guided by such insturction as he may receive on the Govt.

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Identifier PR_000002006983
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., No. 18-19, 18 Feb
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