Secretary - Forwards for information a Telegram from the Corresspondence of Patna that the Megna steamer with party of 35th on board under Lieut, Davis met about 200 Rebels crossing into Shahbad at Huldee at 7 yesterday morning, party landed and drove them back killing 6 - only 1 boat load got across a little below Buycantpore, came upon another evrey large body who all ran away on seing the steamers. One boat with sepoys on board was sunk last night, Letter from Arrah mentioned that the fering had been heard and that the 35th and sickhs with 2 Gans preparing to move to the bank of the river. A party of rebels passing down right bank of Gagra have alarmed the Chupprah people they have appeared at Mongher serchingin boats. Hacking appears to have dropped down before them they can have no Guns and armed sent orders to attack them & destroys any Boats.

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Identifier PR_000002002331
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 30 Apr., No. 48
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