Secretary - Forwards for information a Telegram from the Commissioner of Patna - A note from Broadhurst has just been brought in by a Jail Binkindange - I. give verbation . I have only just returned & to you will excuse may entery into partiaular in this letter but in will tomorrow give you a full account. In may humble opinion, we retreated when we should have advanced & In cannot think that of we had dne the latter we should have been sucessful - we retired ofter merly a letter fighting, and immediately the order was given , the European especially the 35th became paince stricken & ran off as hard as they could go. A Number fell from Fetinge or sum stroke & were Illed, where they fell by sum sowars & other rebells also followed as close to Arrah we have lost Captain LeGrand Lieut. Massey & Docter Clarke, Lieut. Wallen doing duty into the Sicks was wounded, but is doing well, not 50 if the 35th East came in of it had not been for the # #.

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