From Secy- With ref. to the instruction contained in para 6 of letter of 28th July last reports the recipt the of Mr. Sammuell`s full and elaborate defence of his conduct in connection with hid letter of the 29th Jan last against which Mr. Taylor had protested, which will be submitted in due course mean by forwards an Extract of that portion of his defence which refers more particularly to the passage which certain charge against Mr. Taylor in respect to his proceeding on the tryal advicated to. The Lt. Governor is of the opinion that Mr. Sammuell anionadversions on those proceeding were not ground less, being borne out by the records of the cases refer to and for regions explained, reurges the submission to the Sadder Court for report all the papers conneceted with these trial, including Mr. Taylor`s and Mr. Sammuell remarks upon them before any further stepd are taken in the matter. For convenience of ref. extract from Mr. Sammuell`s letter dated 29 Jan. last containg his remark

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