To Honble E. Drummond Lieutt. Coll. I. T. Smith and K. Mackinseon Esquire - With reference to the Honble Courts` desire to develope and encourage the resources of India by the sugstitution of Indian Articles for those of a similar kind indented for from England appoints than a committee to enquire into the Indents sent from this Presidency and requests that they will correspond with the several officers of Government on the subject and after having procured from each list of the articles usually indented for with such information regarding each articles as may elucidate the points indicated by the Court test the same by enquiry inrespect each article and report the result of thei investigation with their own opinion to this department authorizes the submission for sanction in contingent Bill if any expenses which it may be found necessary to incur.

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Identifier PR_000001992472
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 21 Dec., No. 34
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Year of Publication NA
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