Superintendent Electric Telegraph - Submits a report received from Acting 2nd Class Inspector G 6 Domsell Announcing the Completion of the line of telegraph from Agra to Benares a distance of 240 Miles. Brings to notice Mr. ODannellis praisavorthy exertions in the duties assigned to him proposes that he be promoted to the permanent Rank of 1st Class Inspector on a Salary of Rs. 250 per Month and travelling allowance. States that his services may be of great advantage to the public either in the Pujaub, Agra or Presidency circles and solicits permission to print Mr. ODonnllis report for circulation to the department.

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Source Organization NA
Identifier PR_000001992062
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 13 Jul., No. 91
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File Size NA
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Accession Number NA
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Year of Publication NA
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