To Secretary - With reference to above authorizes the raising of such a force for service in that part of the Country which is inhabited by the insugent Southals to couse it of a buttalion of foot of one thousand sepoys and of a the sallah of 100 Lowars to be commanded by a European Commissioned officer an a Consolidated Salary of Rs. 800 a Month and 3 or 4 Europeans whose Subary may be fixed by Ais Honor. The Dreso Equipment etc. for the force is to be # those of the Pubjab Police Force and the pay of the Native officers and ment and their pensions to be also on the same scale as the pay and pursion of that force the other Establishment sutggested by the Lieutenant # are sanctioned subject to revision her after Decises that the Chief Commissioner of Punjab be consulted in argard to the proposed body of Military Police.

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Identifier PR_000001991687
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