1. Police Measures for Internal Security in Indian States. 2. Instructions to Political Officers regarding-(a) Improving the efficiency of Police Forces in States. (b) Grant or bonus or allowance to the Police Forces whose duties are more than usually onerous on account of the War. (c) Action to be taken in dealing with parachutists and air-borne-troops; guarding of Royal Air Force Aerodromes. 3. Instructions that all indents for arms and ammunition for States Police and Irregular Forces should be submitted to the Political Department and not direct to the military authorities. 4. Decision that there should be equality of treatment between British Indian Police and States Police in regard to armament equipment, etc.

Ministry/ Department/ Residency NA
Branch NA
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Series Crown
Source Organization NA
Identifier MF_222400073321
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA FILE NO 17 8 I A SECRET
Location Microfilm Repository
Part No. NA
File Size 143.0 MB
Pages 65
Collection Microfilms
Call Number NA
Publisher NA
Subject Central and General States
Creator NA
Accession Number 166
Series NA
Year of Publication 1942
Language English
Bundle Barcode NA
Location Code NA
File Barcode NA

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