From - With advertence to the letters from the Government of Bombay to this office respecting the construction and completion of the Vehar Dame, forwards Copy of one to the address of that Government to the effect that until the formal consent of the Municipality of Bombay has been obtained to the payment of 4 per Cent per Annum on the Capital to be advanced for the proposed Water Works and also to the payment of such further sum as may be necessary to provide for the cost of maintaining those works whenever completed the Government of India could not consent to advance the large sums required. Approves of the measure adopted for husbanding the existing supply of water on the Island of Bombay and sanctions the allowance to Major Cruickshank of Rs. 300 per Mensum for the superintendence of the Exentive Works which have been rendered necessary by those arrangements.

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Identifier PR_000001991051
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 14 Dec., No. 45
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