To Secretary Bombay - With reference to previous correspondence between that Government and the Secretary with the Governer General and to the foregoing letter dated 7th December last acquaints that the Government has been recently apprized by the Honble Court that they have determined that any encouragement and support to be granted by the E. I. Company to electric telegraph line from Europe to India should be limited to such portion of the works as may be to the Eastward of Alexandria and that before affording such support the Court will require to be satisfied with the arragements made for the permanent establishment and proper management of the European portion of the line - Under these circumstances and whilst uncertain that any European line to Kurrachee will ever be constructed the Governer General in Council considers it premature to entertain the proposals submitted in his letter for the construction of lines from Lahore to Kurrachee & from Kurrachee to Bombay.

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