To Secretary Bombay - In reply to letter dated 7th Ultimo with enclosure assents to the employment of a Government Steamer in running about the 8th of February & April 1856 from Bombay to Suez & back touching at Kurrachee en route for Mails and passengers which is sanctioned only as a means of enabling the Public to Judge of the probable result of the working of the line if undertaken by a private company and in further - States why it would not become the India Government to assist another company in the conveyance of Mails between Kurrachee and Suez but it may hereafter be thought desirable to support to some extent a direct postal communication by Steam between Kurrachee and Aden and this question will be referred for the instructions of the Honble Court - communicates instructions as to how letters etc conveyed by the Government Steamer between Kurrachee and Aden & those to & from Suez & places beyond it should be dealth with.

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Identifier PR_000001987694
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