Secretary - Forwards for information copy of a letter dated 14th Ultimo addressed to the Government N. W. P. in reply to a recommendation that absenties under clause 2nd Sec. 7 of the Rules for leave of absence to Uncord. Servants might be allowed to drawn a moiety of thier salaries on tender of Security for refund in the event of not returIIng to duty or otherwise for fisting their claim. The reply states that the G. G. in C. sees no sufficient season for changing the Rule which was introduced with reference to the provision of the Rules for leave to Cood Servants and was intended to act as a check on person taking have on private affaires adds that H. C. agrees with the Lieutt. Governor in thinking that the - represiontatives of absent who may die during their turn of leave - be held to be entitled to any arrcars of allowances due to the decased.

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Identifier PR_000001986911
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