To Secretary - With reference to letter of the 21st December last forwards for informaiton copy of one from the Government of Bengal with its enclosure reporting on the failure of the scheme for the grant to the Rajah of Board on the condition of his ceding his Ry. to the British Government and suggests the imposition of certain taxes to meet the expenses of the Establishment for the management of the Khond maliahs Communicates the views of this Governmetn thereon and with reference to the porposition of simultaneously taxing in Khonds in the adjoining Hill Country o fGoomsur requests tobe furnished with the opinion of the Madras Government on the expediency of this proposition and as to the best means of carrying it out. States that in commexion with this proposal it has accurred to the G. G. in C that the best means of governing the Hill Tribes would be to constitute a separate Jurisdiction consesting of the Board Highlands the Hill Country of Goomsur and perhaps a portion of China

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Identifier PR_000001986904
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