Minute by the Honble H. Grent and concured in by the President and Members of Council. Objecting to the transfer ( as proposed by Bengal Government ) of the Bond Vihond Maliahs to the jurisdiction of the Agent for Goomsur as it would have the effect of separating the Raj of Boad into two parts the Highlands and Lowlands and placing one part under Madras and the other under Bengal. Concurring with the Lieutenant Governor in the approval he has given to the measures taken by the Superintendent Treb: Mehals for driving the rebel Chockro Bissage this gang quite out of the Vihond Hills. With reference to the request of the Superintendent Tribs Mehals to be supplied with 150 # from the Meriah Agents Establishment remarking that the latter officer might be asked to send as many men as can be spar3ed into the Boad Hills. Expressing opinion on the Police Administration in the Hills. With reference to the management of the Boad Raj abserves that it would be an advantage if the Rajah could b

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Identifier PR_000001988432
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 28 Sep., No. 37
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