To Secretary - In reply abserves in advertence to the 1st point as to the terms in which the officers & men are to be engaged that that Government was informed under arders of the 30th October last that the pay of the native officers & men was to be the same asthal of the Bengal Police corps.As respects the 2nd point desires that the sbength of the corps be raised if possible to be 500 servars.In answer to the 3rd authorizes the command allowance to be the same as that of an Irregular Cavalry Regiment on tthat point thinks that two officers will be enough for the present until some progress has been made in raising the men therefore sanction the appointment of an adjutant & an officer will be placed at the Lieut. Governor`s Disposal for this duty and in respect to the 5th conforms the order fo the Lieut. Governro desiring that the corps be a civil one address that Major General Jenkins be directed to lose no time in raising to # the Corps.

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Identifier PR_000001985370
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