To Secretary - With reference to a the account to the Government of the North West Provinces to charge the desire of the Government stamp paper on order to prevent loss from the use of stamped paper plunderce from the Treasures in the North West Provinces subjoin a list of the number and value of Judicial stamps which were in store & transit to the treasures of the North West Provices where the Mutiny brokeout & communicating the views of Government as to the service in Course conveiance which will arise by culling in the exesting slumps & substituting others of a defferent device, requests that the Board of Revenue be called to report all the subject & to advise Government Whether it is desirable under all circusstances to call in the present stamps and to substitute throughout the presidency other of a different character & what other precaution can be taken to prevent as for as possible loss form the use of plundered stamp paper the value of which has not been paid i

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Identifier PR_000001984520
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 9 Oct., No. 58
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