The Officiating Secretary - Submits for Special consideration particulars relating to the feeunary embarrassments of the Manda Rajah, Chitpal Sing a landholder of on old and respected family in the Allahabad District of proposals for his relief together with original & copies of papers for reference In the event of the proposed arrangements having approved it is intended to place the Rajahs Estate under to central of the Collector of Allahabad under the # of a Mortgage bond which has been taken from the Raja who will receive till the full repayment of the advance of Rs. 870,000, an allowance of R. 700 Per month for his maentenance to all which terms the Rajah has agred & the present scheare for assesting the Rajah has been arranged to as to secure to the Rajah the contimed possessing o0f the Jugheer received by has ancestor for good service rendered by him in the carly days of our Government Requests outhorty the the Arrangements deseribed & to the advance arbelnef of the Rajah of the

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