The Director General Post Office - Reorts that by the 15 October next he expects to arrange for the conveyance of 150 soldiers daily from Allahabad to Cawnpore also could arrange to send 300 a day for six consecntive days after which none could be despatch for 4 days but on the 5 day the despatches would recommence & continue for another 6 day & # the cost would be about 12 Rs. per head it 300 men were despatch each day & less it 150 only - Desires to Know the wishes of government enable him to reorganize the Bullock Train Establishment for the movement of troops towards Agra for Cawnpore the mail cart between Allghur & Agra is runing & # are after with Bombay Mureet & Cownpore.

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Identifier PR_000001981758
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 2 Oct., No. 6
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