To Senior officer R. N. Calcutta - Requests to know what arrangements he could make for the early despatch of one of His Majestys Ships to Galle, with an officers of the Royal Navy to Superintend the Arurhepment of Troops & their dispatch from Galle to their destenation & what instructions he would proporegiving to such officer encloses copy extract Military Department dated 5 Instant showing the names Ships steamers in which Troops are expected of Galle during October & the instructions given the Governments of Ceylon & Madras althought the Auckland has been sent to ceylon on this service & other steamers likely to he dispatched from Bombay stite if would be desirable to know what vessels he is able to employ for the purpose.

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Identifier PR_000001981449
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 2 Oct., No. 31
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