Secretary - Submits for sanction a Tabular Statement Containing the fllowing items of expenditure . Rs. 5 Per Month on 60 Rs. for a year disbursed by the Superintendant of Vaceinator in Sinde in remanorating parsents who conveyed their children to be vaccinated Rs. 14 Per Month Establishement of a Peon @ 4 and a sweeper at 3/ for each of the travellers Bangalors recently erected at Bodwar and Edulabad in Khandeish. Rs. 3 Jindls @ 12/each Per Month -180 17 Kullashies @ 7/ Per Month from 5 Months - Requred to work the Flying Bridge during the Monsoon Months -# Koneygame, and Karadee, on the Calcutta Dak line Rs. 10 Per Month as allowance proposed the grunted to Mr. Deas the gailv at famah for superintending the coustricion of a near # carduee near # by the means of

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Identifier PR_000001980669
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 22 Sep., No. 17 - 18
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File Size NA
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Subject NA
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Year of Publication NA
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