Officiating Secretary - Submits for sanction a Tabular statement containing the following items of expenditure Rs. 20 per month temporary to be distributed among the English and native writers on the Establishment of the Deputy Commessionar in Beerar, as remuneration for the Extract Postal duties temporarily devolving on them Rs. 36 per month for an Establishment of Harclers sanctioned for worthing the Flying Bridges between Ahmednuggur and Tolka during the present monsoon or 4 months. 48 per month Establishments employed for working the Flying Bridges on the Nagpore dawk line during the monsoon on #. 180 Per Month Further Employment for another year of the assistant to the civil Engineer at Sattara. 8.4.Per month being rent for Post Offices at Bhownaggur Dhotka, Dollera and Mhar. 10 Per month temporary granted as an allowence for accommodation to serjeant Overseen william when located at Burdee for the parpose of looking after the matalling Lrolling of the new road between that

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Identifier PR_000001993023
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 1 Dec., No. 2
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