Extract Financial Department - States with reference to the foregoing that the provisions of the rules for regulating the grant of deputation allowance to the Covenanted and uncovenanted Servants of Government differ so widely as to render it almost impossible to prescribe any general regulation which shall meet every case of an Uncod. Officer acting for a Covenanted Officer now does H. L. in C. deem it necessary to enast a general rule to meet such Cases as regards the proposal made on behalf of Mr. Harrison states that under the pecular circumstances of his case H. L. in C. is pleaed to allow him in addition to the nosiety of the Salary of his substantine appointment which he already draw a deputation allowance of 375 Rs. a month being the saving out of mr. Dabrgmples Salary beside the authorized travelling allowance during the period he may officiate for Mr. # as Inspector of Schools.

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Identifier PR_000001957522
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 17 Oct., No. 65
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