To Secretary Indigs - In reply to his two foregoing letters submitting for consideration comm. from two Members of the Indigo Planters association complaining of their Factories leaving been sucloded in the Sonthal Pergunnalrs underact 37 of 1855 and also of the Official conduct of Mr. Taylor an assistant Commissioner in the Sonthal Perghs states that from the papers submitted it appears to the G. G. in C. that the Lieutt. Goomsur has done all that is proper and practicalle at present and that the Government of India have no ground to interfere in the matter adds that altho Government is at all times failling to correspond with the Indigo Planters association in all matters affecting the associated body or the Genreal interests of the class they represent must declire to recogize their interference in individual cases and all representations proceeding from individual members must accordingly he addressed to Government by such member.

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