From Government Printing Committee - In reply to letter of 26th June last are of opinion that the arrangement contemplated in the Judicial Department for announcing through the Gazette Appointments a plan likely to be attended with public convenience as it involves a saving of time & expense & a greater certainty of the information reaching the persons to whom it is to be communicated. 200 copies of the Gazette are now printed of which 177 are distributed - the number additionally required will be about 117 or 300 copies will be adequate to meet the demand. Public Notifications may be curtailed & suggest that the Gazette be subjected to a Classification of its contents - The remaining 100 copies for circulation in Town to consist of 12 pages.

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Source Organization NA
Identifier PR_000001934000
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O.C., 2 Oct., No. 11.
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File Size NA
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Call Number NA
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Subject NA
Creator NA
Accession Number NA
Series NA
Year of Publication NA
Bundle Barcode NA
Location Code NA
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