From Board - Submit a letter from Mr.Kyd addressed to the Vice President in Council preferring his claim to execute the Government repairs and soliciting that a Special Committee may be appointed to Settle the System in such a manner as shall put the prices to be charged beyond suspicion. Consider that Mr. Kyd as a strong claim on the Government but not such as to preclude their equitably effecting any alteration they may deem proper in the existing System. State that open competition should be maintained ( as the only means of securing a proper rate of charge) regard being had to Mr. Kyds general claims and to whom a certain degree of preference should be shown, or remuneration afforded in testimony of his long Services or compensation for the loss which he must inevitably sustain.

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Identifier PR_000001931252
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O.C., 22 Nov., No. 19.
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