From Marine Board - Report the Enterprize out of Dock and ready for Service, and now likely to run for 5 years without further repair. Submit copy of correspondence with the Committee appointed to Survey the Enterprize after her return from Bombay which concur in saying that the principal part of the defects arising from Rot & White Ants must have been seen had the Vessel been property opened at Bombay. The Board have no doubt that if a copy of Mr. Seppings Memo of 5th January 1830 had been sent to that Presidency it would have led to a thorough repair of the Vessel or to a new one being built. Suggest that the Government of Bombay be requested to furnish a Statement of what has actually been done to the Enterprize there with a Bill showing the several items of charge.

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Identifier PR_000001930397
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O.C., 1 Nov., No. 13.
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