Board - In reply to letter of the 29 Novermebr REport that they have directed their auditor and Secretary to draw up the forms of Indents Bills and accounts as also a Plan for establishing a completed set of Books for the Naval Store Keeper Office in Pursuance of the rules prescribed by Government have fixed the 1st of Maynext as the day on which the alterativon in thepresnet system shall take plance. Concure entirely in the view of the Committee in their reprot respecting the inconvemence which must arise from the Navel Store Keepers Godowns being so widely separated as they are Submit copy of a letter from Captain Ellis and their opinion that sufficient granuds have nt been assirgned therein for the removal of Mr. White from his office of Boatswam for the purpose of being pensioned especially if a Boatswains Mate is appointed.

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Identifier PR_000001914120
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 17 Jan., No. 40-41
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