Committee Reporting on the Several Points Conected with the supply of Naval Stores - In Obedience to orders of the 7 june last submit their rerport on the Several points to which their attendent to teh supposed frand committee by the officers of the naval store Keeper Department in having substitutd small pumps for large ones and the Contradictory evidence adduced theron and for reasons partuculary detailed recommend that Additional Godowns be erected for the detailed recommend that Addtional Godowns be erected for the Naval Store Keeper and that the native part of Captain Elliss office should be placed on a more respectable footing by entertaining a Dewan a 150 Rs. per Mensem likewise in the Event of Mr. White tha present Boatswain Being entitled to a pension that a Younger and move active man be appointed in his room with an assistent or mate and with a view of removing the present bad system adopted by the Board in Authorizing payments to a very large

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Identifier PR_000001920687
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 29 Nov., No. 25
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File Size NA
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Creator NA
Accession Number NA
Series NA
Year of Publication NA
Bundle Barcode NA
Location Code NA
File Barcode NA

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