Letter from Col. Thomas Goddard transmitting the return of the Division of Artillery that has joined his Army reporting that he has allowed every one atttached to it the same pay batta etc as allowed on the Bengal Establishment that he has permitted Lieut. Frith to take a sea-trip for the benefit of his helath and that he has appointed Lieut. Frith and Capt. Nutterville to act as his (Col. Goddard s ) Aide-de -Camp that owing to a scarcity of officerts ont he Sepoy Corps he has permitted several gentlemen to act as volunteers with the army and that he has permitted Ensign Maxwell to join the detachment on his bengal rank asking for confirmation of the appointment of Lieut. Fleming as Assistant Field Engineer reporitng that he has permitted lieut. Rattary to join the detachment on his Bengal rank acquainting the Board that the troops being in want of clothes he ordered a complete set from Bombay and that he has permitted Capt. Popham to take a sea Voyage for

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Identifier PR_000001784756
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