Duplicate of a letter fromthe President and Council of Fort St. George intimating that being in great want of money they have appropriated Brigadier-General Goddard share of the treasure on the portland for their own use as well as rupees 82,000 sent by Sir Eyre Coote to Brigadier-General Goddard enclosing their Assary Master account of the coinage of the bullion consugned b the Portland , reporting that Capt. Williams of the Freemason has odged a protest against them for the dtention of his vessel since his request for demurage ws refused enclosing an account of the deficiency inthe cargo lande from the Gocul Dutt wit the commanders reasons for this deficency alos copy of a letter frm Capt. Forrest of the Brig Lively intimaing the drawing of certain bills of exchnage and reporting the arrival of the royal Charlowtte on her way from Bombay to China.

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Identifier PR_000001780447
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. P.P. 521-527,O.C., 16 Jul., No.1.
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