Enclosure to letter from mily Board no 5042, date of 5th oct.In containing of their letter of the 31st August last, regarding the arnl to which pelly Repair may be padmitted in monthly A.S Sheving in febular form the sums which , during the period of an entire years hve been brought forwards in10 of the Principal station in the different superintendencies under the head of pelly Repair , and also an addl statement B of the same nauture for the stalion of Dinapore during the last years of their Colleague Lt. Coll sages incumbency there as Excutive officer offer observation the majority of the board are of opinion that, by strect attenlion to the Rules herecined laid down by them , a considerable reduction in the expenditure under the head of petty Repair will be at once effected with out offecting the stability and the good consideration .

Ministry/ Department/ Residency Military
Branch Military
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Source Organization NA
Identifier PR_000000772180
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. 124
Location NA
Part No. A
File Size NA
Pages NA
Call Number NA
Publisher NA
Subject NA
Creator NA
Accession Number NA
Series NA
Year of Publication NA
Bundle Barcode NA
Location Code NA
File Barcode NA

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