Keywords | Bombay, Lucas, Resident, Berar, Services, Department, Government, Office, Draft, Furlough |
Ministry/ Department/ Residency | Foreign Political |
Branch | General-B |
From Year / Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
1899 |
To Year / Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
1899 |
Source Organization | NA |
Identifier | NAIDLF00052758 |
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. | Progs Nos 12-27, July 1899 |
Location | R-3 |
Part No. | NA |
File Size | 93.4 MB |
Pages | 91 |
Call Number | NA |
Publisher | NA |
Subject | Grant of one year furlough to Mr. A. Lucas I. C. S. his service replaced at the disposal of the govt of Bombay service of Mr. J. K. Batten I. C. S. Madras establishment placed at the disposal of the foreign department his appointment to be a Dy comm of the 2 Class and to officiating as civil and session judge in the Hyd Assigned district. |
Creator | NA |
Accession Number | NA |
Series | NA |
Year of Publication | NA |
Language | English |
Bundle Barcode | NAIDLB00001958 |
Location Code | 0 |
File Barcode | NAIDLF00052758 |
QC Certificate No. | QC_20250219DL |
Bundle No. | 524 |