In Continuation of the memo no. 771 Dy 15 October circulate for departmental information a memorandum on the distribution of annual expenditure if a survey party over the general words upon with it has been engaged such as traversing retail survey on various seals and calculation of cost rates.

Keywords Detail, Survey, Triangulation, Number, Party, Total, Works, Rates, Column, Columns
Ministry/ Department/ Residency Survey of India
Branch Surveyor General's Office Correspondence Records
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Source Organization NA
Identifier NAIDLF00644716
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. 288
Location Cartography
Part No. NA
File Size 22.6 MB
Pages 18
Call Number NA
Publisher NA
Subject In Continuation of the memo no. 771 Dy 15 October circulate for departmental information a memorandum on the distribution of annual expenditure if a survey party over the general words upon with it has been engaged such as traversing retail survey on various seals and calculation of cost rates.
Creator NA
Accession Number NA
Series NA
Year of Publication NA
Language English
Bundle Barcode NAIDLB00014505
Location Code 0
File Barcode NAIDLF00644716
QC Certificate No. QC_20250108DL
Bundle No. 267
    1 view

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