Reference from Shri K, Manoharan, MP. Regarding selection for the post of Law Assistance Southern Railway. Decision- For filling selection posts line Law Inspectors, Complaints Inspectors, etc. which are open to staff of all Departments, should not be confined to eligible staff upto four times the number of existing and anticipated vacancies plus 25% thereof for unforeseen vacancies as is the normal procedure. For such posts field of eligibility should be open to staff of all Departments and all eligible staff irrespective of the Department in which they may be working who satisfy the prescribed had conditions of eligibility should be subjected to a selection which should censist of both written test and viva voce test

Keywords N.V.Jayaram
Ministry/ Department/ Residency Ministry of Railway
Branch Establishment Non Gazetted I
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Source Organization NA
Identifier PR_000006163146
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. File No. E/NG/168PM1/1/1-32
Location Repository-4
Part No. NA
File Size 19.8 MB
Pages 53
Collection Digitized Public Records
Ministry of Railway
Call Number NA
Publisher NA
Subject NA
Creator NA
Accession Number NA
Series NA
Year of Publication NA
Language English
Bundle Barcode NA
Location Code NA
File Barcode NA