1. Re-appointment of Major R.H. Chenevix Trench to the effective list of the Political Department and his posting as Assistant Secretray to the Government of India in the Foreign and Political Department. 2. Provisional appointment of Captain H.V. Biscoe as under Secretary to the Government of India in the Foreign and Political Department. 3. Posting of Mr. B.J. Glancy as 1st Assistant to the Agent to the Governor-General in Rajputana and Chief Commissioner of Ajmer-Mewara. 4.Appointment of Mr. W.R. Howson, His Britannic Majesty's Vice-Consul at Lingah, to hold charge of the current duties of the office of His Britannic Majesty's Vice-Consul at Bunder Abbas, in addition to his own duties

Keywords J.B. Wood
Home Department
Ministry/ Department/ Residency Foreign and Political
Branch Establishment-B
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Identifier PR_000004062303
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. 230-237
Location Repository-3
File Size 12.8 MB
Pages 11
Collection Digitized Public Records
Foreign and Political
Language English

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