To Junior Secretary - Acknowledges his letter No. 1393 of the 9th Ultimo and points out that it appears to be a mistake to assume that the Mauritius Ordinance No. 2 of 1859 has repeated the Ordinance No. 30 of 1858. By the recent Ordinance One Article Only of Ordinance 30 of 1858, namely Article 16 Seens to have being reapeted, the object of which was to revive Ordinance 12 of 1855. The revival however of this latter Ordinance does not itself necessarily repeal Ordinance of 30 of 1858 the difference of two Ordinances apparently being that the one authorizing Emigration on private Account but leaves the Employer at the mercy of the Emigrats, while the other improves the planter not only to engage with an Emigrants but to take a contract from his in India which will be binging upon him in the Mauritius.

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Identifier PR_000002007562
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 23 Sep., No. 11
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