Read a despatch No. 94 dated the 13 July 1858 from the Honble the court of Directors replying to search letter No. 14 of 1858 dated the 15th April regarding the appointment of a commission composed if 3 members for the trial of offences connected with the revolt committed in the Delhi temtory the Honble Court entirely approve the establishment of such a tribunal and the arrangement that a sentence of imprisonment exceeding three years shall only be passed with the concurrence of a majority of the commission and provided the trial has been held before all three commissioner they also approve the orders that the commissioner shall report proceedings weekly.the Honble Court suggest that on the extension of acts XIV,XVI,and XVII of 1857 provision be made for authorizingthe local Government to directs the reference to itself before execution of the proceedings of trials on which a Capital sentence has been passed and for giving full powers to the Government to communicate or remit the puni

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