From Secretary - Forwards for the favorable consideration & orders of Government Extract from the Statement of Loyal natives for the district of Etawah, relative to the excement Services rendered by Rao Juswant Rao of Luckia & recommends the grant to him for his devoted loyalty & conspicuos services to Government of a Jaheer rent free in propetuity of those Estates which were settled with the Rao or acquired by him in purchase as also a life Jagheer with the assignment of the Jumma of a certain number of the adjucent Villages formerly compused in his paternal Talooguce - This last to be converted into a Malikhana of 10 per cent on the Jumma of the same of his # 20,000 Rs. being the limit of the Government Jumm. to be alienated - Furkun that the title of Rajah of Dulleep Nugger be conferred on the Rao.

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Source Organization NA
Identifier PR_000002007009
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 23 Sep., No. 60
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File Size NA
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Year of Publication NA
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